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Motivation Encouragement

1 Thessalonians 4:11

By August 19, 2018No Comments

I was on Facebook yesterday and I saw a video of a young school girl, singing this one particular tune. She was singing “mind your business” Over and over again. Of course I did the normal thing that everyone does, is go straight to the comments section. I came upon a comment that talked about this verse 1 Thessalonians 4:11, the person typed the verse within the comment section. I had to confirm her saying by whipping out my Bible, and sure enough her logic was in the Bible. It made plenty of since because in the everyday life, everyone STAY in someone else’s business.

I’m even a suspect of that same thing, I’ve kind of made it apart of my nature to hear certain things. But for some reason some things does make me feel uncomfortable to hear though. Maybe it’s a sign of me transforming into a woman that’s working on minding her own business lol…It seems when we tend to other people’s business we get affected by the infection that’s coming off of negativity. Some of us even get the pleasure of hearing the bad news of other people’s pain, especially if that person has wronged us, that’s like revenge for the ears. Now I know why folks would say; I’m minding my own business…

I have now become one of those folks that’s has turned both ears elsewhere. Even though I’ve made it apart of my nature, it’s okay to predict and judge how else am I going to make good decisions. When I hear about someone’s cruelty I place it in the back of my mind, and hope that it doesn’t happen to me but when a person shows you their character, it becomes my business to build a relationship with that individual. Minding my own business is essential and by reading 1 Thessalonians 4:11 I will definitely be minding my business.

I’m so glad that I got blessed by reading that pacific comment. I was reading a good standard in my Bible. It doesn’t hurt to change I’ve been conformed by the renewing of my mind. I will be worshipping my Lord and minding my business at the same. It doesn’t hurt to do right on purpose. #LaTishaETarver