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Motivation Encouragement

A Beautiful Hot Mess 💕

By September 28, 2020No Comments


Is my labor more important on earth then my freedom, how do I get around this huge hurdle that have stopped me on this path to success toward God. How will I ever not live in distress, worry and anxiety? Is it true that I’m really a hot mess?


No, that’s not true at all…that’s what the devil wants some of us to believe. Are my tears, my pleading, petitions, warfare enough? What am I doing wrong to continue to be this way?


Daughters, are we really talking to God? Really, are we talking to him? We are too much leaning upon our own understanding “thinking” that “we” or “other people” our careers are more relevant before God’s voice? That alone, is when we become distance from the one that is “for sure without a doubt” that’s going to lead us to victory.


There was a moment I was out of work around April of 2020 and honestly during that time until February of 2021, is when the season of “hot mess” came about. But when I actually gave it thought, of course this season was a hot mess because God was trying to rescue me from the very thing that was hindering my destiny. I asked God for something so precious, and the only reason to have gotten what I needed, was to first go through my “pruning season”. This is the season of cleaning, restoration, wholeness, intimacy, bonding, relationship with my Father, all things new.


Since the ending of my relationship with now my ex boyfriend, has been a season of cleaning of restoration of the mind, body and soul, the hot mess that was within. Is this season easy, ah no. But I can definitely say that God is so sovereign and gracious merciful, loving and a disciplinarian of my disobedience.


So if you ever think that you are a hot mess, honest and truly you aren’t. You are giving it your all, and it’s no one’s opinions that should have full capacity over your life. No one’s judgement have to matter if you don’t allow it. Use wisdom and discernment in all your seasons, but not forgetting to invite Jesus along for the ride. You are a beautiful hot mess that’s about to blossom into spring, believe that. 💕

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