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I’m trying to discover comfort within all the wrong people and niches, that I possibly can. I’m getting turned down left and right. Maybe it’s because I have three children or maybe it’s because I’m so eccentric no one is used to the type of person that I am. Either is I’m being looked at as a tool or I’m just coming off too easy.


I’m suppose to be in a relationship with someone but finally coming to terms, I’ve been talking, dating and loving myself.


Is it me? I don’t know…..what have I done? Why is it hard for me to live and except? I expect to be worthy but I’m not receiving that kind of treatment from no one else, especially guys.


It’s best that I just breathe without a crutch that’s provided by man’s hands. Maybe I should just be left alone and figure out how I’m going to live knowing that I don’t want to be a direct access point to myself nor to no one else. I’m worthy to be loved but first ”I HAVE TO LOVE MYSELF.

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