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Motivation Encouragement

Be about “Me & My Father’s” Business!

By November 16, 2019No Comments

There was an event that happened to me at work yesterday, and I was not pleased with the outcome nor the participation that transpired before the outcome. To minimize this story I was removed from my class room to be become the new toddler three teacher. The reason for that move was to basically accommodate another staff members wants and needs.

I was upset and heart broken, I felt betrayed because I wasn’t included in this meeting that the executive director and the official director had yesterday morning. I wasn’t hit with a “Oh heads up” or a pre conversation about this replacement no, I’d been handed a piece of paper with my full name attached at a whole other classroom.

The issue was discussed in a whole group staff meeting, but by that time I was about over the shenanigans before the staff meeting begun. I thought of as my being the assistant director, my thoughts and opinions should have partake in this change right? But somehow it didn’t happen that way and in my heart I have a feeling that, that move was purposely done.

I thought of it as being full of bull, messy, and very much of lack of communication. Just because I’m young doesn’t mean that I no fool, I can dip up out of there hitting every book bag on the way out. That job is a dime a dozen.

I later got home yesterday night needing to just have time alone, away from people that has wronged me. I needed time to consume this and get my mind prepared for Monday morning, although it was Friday evening.

My emotions at that time was through the roof, I didn’t even want to communicate with anyone that had something to do with that classroom change. I wanted to deal back the same cards that was dealt to me.

But something came unto me, a thought that had me wowing at that event that happened yesterday. God put on my heart to just “roll with the follow” and that “I am on a mission”!

Soon after my heart started beating at its normal rate again, and I was able to breathe on my own. God showed me the disadvantages that I kept indulging in, also another chance to get it right elsewhere.

Being that toddler one teacher wasn’t a good fit for me, and somehow I sort of felt that it wasn’t a good fit for me mentally and physically. I also hate changing diapers and hearing crying all day, so that was an extra key pointer for me needing to upgrade. But I thought all of this through and that’s how I came upon a solution.

When God puts us on a mission we can’t just do whatever we please, and most certainly be comfortable with rearranging God’s plan, so that we may be comfortable. Either way it goes God will put us back on track when we have wheeled off. Remember God’s plan is only to prosper us not to harm us. God is of Love not envy. If it’s not of him, he will remove!

I believe I know what God put me setting me up for but I don’t want to lean on my own understanding. I definitely know for sure that change is one of the motives. He doesn’t just have me there for no reason and I’m experiencing disappointment for no reason. I shouldn’t be on no job to build friendships, I should be on that job to build my future.

Yeah I’m sure Jesus wants me to spread the gospel, but to also get what he has for me there. Getting upset about moving to another classroom isn’t it. He may want to give me that plus more, I’m just there on a mission.

I highly believe that I was out of character and out of place in that staff meeting, and I embarrassed myself all because I was upset. But no matter the events I need to fulfill my mission and not take things and people that want to hinder my success, personal. I am there at that place for a reason I’m going to be teaching those three year olds for a reason.

Whatever God has for me it will be for me, I’m on a mission and trying to make connections that don’t want to connect isn’t going to lead me in the direction that the Lord is trying to take me. But until then I will do what I got to do for those children, succeed at it because I want my name to be heard and bragged on, especially about the good things.

I’ve decided to be about my fathers business, and not lallygag around anymore. Until I reach my destination even when I do reach my destination, I will be about me and my father’s business and prosper with him along side me.