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I’m already thinking about the work week, and how I want to change things around to better myself and my career. I refuse to be someone basic I want to make my career as fundamental as I can get it to be.

Yeah, I may be bored as of right now I still have a list of things to do, I’m just not in my active motive right now to tap into being a work in progress for the moment. I’ve accepted being bored as a chore to type a small story.

Sometimes it’s a good thing to be bored only if you are secured in your own well being, to not do anything stupid. Maybe if you are bored you can take time to think and have ” you time”, read your bibles, write or read your favorite book. Time doesn’t always have to be occupied it’s literally okay to have down time, and if boredom is helping me stay sane, then so be it.