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Motivation Encouragement

Continue To Pray For The Nation & Our President

By August 26, 2020No Comments
I am so proud of a President Donald Trump, even though he has said some bold things from his flesh, BUT he has done great things being led by the Holy Spirit. We as people are in charge of our own soul salvation. All this condemnation toward Donald Trump, but when will the condemnation begin with SOME OF US?!?! Just as my spiritual Mom said, ask God to search through our hearts for any inquiries. How dare some of us cast stones on a man without taking the spark out of our own hearts. I will continue to pray for our President and this nation, I am a freedom rider in the name of Jesus. This nation will witness victory in the name of Jesus, there will be revival in the lands of many, in the name of Jesus. I decree and declare fire 🔥 within this nation. Yes let America be great again, in the name of Jesus!!!