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Motivation Encouragement

Do work of the Lords (Part One)

When the Lord saids it’s time to beat it, IT’S TIME TO BEAT IT! Don’t continue to mildew unto rotten, then become no good. Although God can transform but you still don’t want to endure that raft of disobedient punishment. I know how that feels to be disobedient, it’s like an eternal whooping dealt by the hand of your dad or someone that’s a big disciplinarian.

No sin is greater than the other but you still can’t uphold a position in sin because there’s only one way out, which is death. Sometimes death don’t just happen to the body, death can happen in your mind, heart and spirit. But guess what..SIN CAN BE REVERSED BY TWO THINGS…REPENTANCE and BECOMING WISE!

Doing of the Lords work comes with a big price to pay I to, know what that’s like to sacrifice something so sensitive for the Lord blessings. God may ask you to leave that relationship you’re in, because the damages he’s trying to prevent you from, is right around the corner. Then that’s when thinking hard comes into action, what shall you do?

I’ve been cheated on more than once, lied to more than once, gotten things stolen from me more than once, even caught two sexual transmitted infections that attack my health all at once. By this guy that I fell in love with repeatedly while he degraded me repeatedly. I remember the first time God showed me the door to the first incident I encountered with that individual, like it was yesterday and guess what…I stayed still, and guess what else, “THINGS GOT WORSE!!!

Thinking back on all the mess I put up with, the dragging of my character, my innocence that became an embarrassment, the lies that we’re boldly told TO MY FACE I still did not listen to God. God even used my own daughter to help with the dismissal, but shame on me I still didn’t listen. I loved me some him but he hated me of me.

I was even engaged to that individual, he proposed to me a week after our six year anniversary, I guess that was to show me that I’ll be his fool for life. Unconsciously God was still aggravating me on crutches, it was just a messy ordeal on top of confusion every single day of my life being with that individual.

I recently called a quits after yet another role play of his disrespect toward me. But I noticed today that he didn’t ask for his engagement ring back…Hm what’s that about I don’t know BUT I’ve been noticing God’s been trying to pull me away from intoxication for seven years, and I knew of this but love really was a one of a kind fairy tale to me while dating that individual.

But I also realized every single time I broke up with him, even leading to the breakup, I noticed random blessings would come to my feet. Here’s some, my phone bill was fifty dollars I went in to pay I was told that I only pay twelve dollars. I owed the college I was attend three hundred and some odd dollars, I was told AND SHOWED to only pay one hundred and some odd dollars.

What I’m trying to say is when listening to God’s commands, we need to have a ear to hear. God is not out to harms us remember he’s intentions are only good not of evil. Now, when listening to the Lords commands being obedient through hardships and tests, that’s when we’ll reap the good fruits of our labor inward and outward.

All we need is faith that’s the size of a mustard seed, hey have more faith that’s bigger than a mustard seed if you will. God doesn’t ask for much, but when he does reach out it be for a reason…period! Listen to God voice over your life, that’s little voice that goes by so quick, that’s the voice of the Lords. Please LISTEN and OBEY, do the work of the Lords because it’s apart of his will that he has for your LIFE.