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Motivation Encouragement

Elevation Testimony

Elevation Testimony:

God has sought me through the storm but it was all for a purpose. In that time of elevation I had been mistreated, downgraded, disrespected and racially profiled against, physically touched by another co teacher, being left out, I also was told by an previous employer, that I didn’t have the experience after dedicating my time for a year in the preschool department. God instructs that we be humble I believe I was just that, just like Moses was. I cried because the abuse especially being African American made it worst in some people’s fleshy eyes. I knew it was time for me to leave during my maternity leave, but I went back to stubbornness…of course things had gotten worse. I put in my two weeks notice like I was led to do, God had better for me, my suffering was over, it was time for a new chapter in my book to be written about. I have went from Assistant teacher to assistant director in the flash, God said “DON’T MESS WITH HIS ANOINTING”. I’m very thankful for the trial, bullying, abuse and the mistreatment. Although it was uncalled for and it hurts to be subjected out, but my liquid tears became my testimony. That year that I was SUPPOSE TO NOT HAVE EXPERIENCE or wasn’t good enough, became these words “HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE MY ASSISTANT DIRECTOR?” My eyes began to boil 😂. God is literally up to something in my life I know what it is…I labor for the Lord and due to my laboring, it has not came back void or uncounted for. Thank you JESUS for the COME UP!!!!

I’m ready to get the ball rolling!!!