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Motivation Encouragement

I’m Starting To Hate This “Work” Life!!!

By October 29, 2018No Comments

I’ve seriously have been thinking about just going cold turkey on working for any employer. Nothing seem to go right at whatever job I choose to work at, and I always leave with horrible results of that work environment. Yesterday I’ve been thinking hard about not working physically again for anyone, because I know that I’m worth my future and the unknown surprises that it holds.

I honestly believe that the working laboratory world is for me. There’s always something that goes wrong, ugh…It could be anything. It’s always hard to get along with a co worker that is the complete opposite from me, and working with children you are going to get that parent that is just off or disrespectful.

Today I can say that I’m gradually getting to my breaking point of just putting my faith in the Lord, and just going cold turkey on the labor life. I love the Lord and I’ve believed in him before, but on this term I’m so scared lol. I love money and I got to pay rent. But I shouldn’t be so scared I shouldn’t oh my goodness.

I want to give up on the work labor life I do, I really do. I would have to pray about my want and ask God for his upmost help, I need to be provided with the right mind of peace, patience, humbleness and strength.

I’m not the only one that has thought of going cold turkey on the work life, there’s also people that has initially given God their car to steer. Lord please bless me to become an entrepreneur…I just want to be a wonder mother, wife, wealthy, heathy, stay at home and write my life away. Lord will you do that for me?

Unleash me from these chains of slavery so I can use my labor in a much healthier way and reasoning. In Jesus name I pray “Amen”. This is the truest from my heart story that I’ve typed so far lol, I am literally for real about finding a new life and career, to actually live in happiness. I shall get there by the help of the Lord.