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Motivation Encouragement

It’s going to be okay…

By February 4, 2021No Comments
I failed my road test today, and I felt so horrible. I felt as if I wasn’t smart enough and was capable to drive, when given the free opportunity to. Every time I get into someone’s else I can’t help but think, that I literally am not capable. I deal with the heartbreak but today I had a melt down.


I just couldn’t get over the fact that I failed yet again, after learning how to do a three point turn. I felt there was no grace nor mercy, it was after another. I’m pretty sure Satan had a good laugh off of me today, a laugh full of misery and hate.


I came home and cried some more, I cried out to God because this was beginning to become a burden on me because the failure that I literally faced twice. It seemed as if God wasn’t there for me, but I had to come to a conclusion that he really was there for me. I had to think of the moments that God literally was in the midst of me doing things that would promote me.

💕That’s what calm down my anger and bitterness. As I realized that God has the file say so, I knew to not worry. I even knew to not worry again. There has been times that God has passed me on test, feed my family, gave me money, and saw that I was fit for a position that I wouldn’t dare sign myself up for.


God can see and he knows our value, when we become to know our value for ourselves, we wouldn’t think of giving up so quickly and being sad all day long. We’ll talk to God about it and carry on. I know that the Lord will have my back just as well as he would have yours. It’s going to be okay, let go and let God, take the wheel and calm your heart. It’s okay to get back up again.

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