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Motivation Encouragement

Matthew 6:25 for reassurance

By October 27, 2020No Comments
Therefore I tell you, stop being worried or anxious (perpetually uneasy, distracted) about your life as to what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body as to what you will wear. Is life not more than food and the body more than clothing?

I became worried and anxious of trying to find ways to pay my phone bill…


I became worried of how me and my children we’re going to eat…


I became worried of how I will pay my bills and where to get money…


The weapons that we’re thrown at me, somehow those weapons couldn’t prosper…


The abuse that I endured mentally, it could’ve drove me insane, but somehow I was able to keep my mental and shedded tears of joy instead…


Somehow I went through something that was suppose make me give up and live life as if I’m not worthy or capable…


BUT GOD!!! I cast all my cares upon him 1 Peter 5:7, I worried myself about the things I listed above, and I kid you not about God coming through to save the day, like he always has since the beginning of time.


Don’t go another day in your life worried about how you will pay your rent, who’s going to help you, or what will your next meal come from. God sees and knows these things, but it’s different when we make our request known to him, from the rhythm of our mouths.