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Motivation Encouragement

Matthew:25 The 10 Bridesmaid 💕

By September 29, 2020No Comments

🔥Story Time: Matt:25🔥 (The 10 Bridesmaids)

Be like the 5 virgins that preserved their oil instead of being like the other foolish 5 virgins that decided not to preserve their oil. The five wise vigins did as the father instructed them to do, although it was 10 of them only five listened and took heed. The five virgins not just only bring they’re oil, they brought extra oil, so they had more than enough for their lamps and bridegroom. These five wise virgins awaited, fell asleep and awoke prepared for the arrival of the bridegroom.


Some one shouted “the bridegroom is coming!!! The 5 foolish virgins said to the 5 wise virgins “we don’t have enough oil may you give us some of your oil” the wise vigins was like “no ma’am Pam I ain’t got enough oil for you booboo, got to the corner store and buy some for yourself”, so the 5 foolish virgins did. By the time they returned, the 5 five wise vigins went in with the bridegroom and the door was “locked”!!! The 5 five foolish virgins at the door “Lord, Lord open the door for us”. Then the Lord calls back to them and saids “Believe me, I don’t know you”!!!


We too must keep watch, we don’t know the day nor hour of the Lords return. We can’t be sitting up her wasting our oil on foolishness, listening to city girls, smoking joints, at the club, and the strip club, having sex with any and everybody!!! Shoot, I personally don’t want to waste my oil by being on my cellular 24/7. There’s more to us in this life that God has planned for each👏🏾and👏🏾every👏🏾one👏🏾of👏🏾us!!! Trying to be like our super smart homeboys ain’t going to cut it neither.

Preserve your oil for “YOU” get “YOU” in alignment “FIRST” before you share your oil to someone else that is lacking. But don’t be fooled neither, just as you had to preserve your oil, she needs to do the same. Let’s not be wasteful and lack wisdom and knowledge, let’s not dwell in foolishness for too long. I’m here God, although I feed my flesh it’s desires, Lord God I come to you wanting to be feed from your hand. This is hard for me but Lord I’m willing and wanting to be a servant, I want intimacy, may I lay at your feet, Oh father.


Preserve our oil so that we may join the bridegroom when his arrival touchdown, no more shall you suck my freedom and wisdom dry by me and your stupidity. 💯

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