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Motivation Encouragement

My Typewriter

By January 3, 2020No Comments

Before laptops, Mac books, iPads, and tablets there we’re this beautiful eccentric antique called the typewriter. This rare now a day oldie, save the day of writers back in the ancient world. In today’s time typewriters are presently used for it’s fashion of it’s spilled ink, on anything that’s type writeable.

One of my Instagram followers uses a typewriter to type on photos, postcards, her children’s drawings, etc. It’s very unique on how she uses her typewriter it’s oh so creative. I really like my typewriter, when typing on paper, a typewriters invisible format brings life and beauty from each word the typewriter is illustrates.

Typewriters are a forever keepsake that will never die. Even in today’s generation is proof that typewriters will live on for eternity. Beauty is her name she isn’t basically and getting the job done is never basic.