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Motivation Encouragement

No one Has Taught Her How To Be A Woman

By November 11, 2019No Comments

Although life isn’t a fairytale but love definitely can go for that genre. This woman has been falling in love with every man that she’d come into contact with. It’s very neutral to her and she’s use to it, it’s like she already knows the outcome of each failed relationship that seemed to have some sort of vibe connection.

Whatever floats her boat she’s down with the flow to a certain extent. She only follows what she knows because she’d never had a consistent role model to guide her other wise. She grew up a wreck and sadly that’s how she become. She doesn’t love herself value herself nor have self respect for herself. Her self esteem is so low, it’s lower than ones IQ scores.

How do she even think that she can make life worth living when she doesn’t even know how to carry herself. Fitting in was sort of an issue because she knew, that she didn’t have the goods nor the stamina like the other girls that appeared to be prettier than her with memorable figures, to a woman that was build like a number two pencil.

Growing up never has been a easy slate for her neither, she stay being let down by being led by whorish names and being called dumb, retarded and stupid. She didn’t have both parents in her life although they two are living and breathing, they two still didn’t want no relationship with their daughter after being away from them for twenty years.

Life was just full of tricks and games, false advertisements, severe lack of love, limited freedom and abuse. Now that’s she twenty six years old she’s still struggling to find herself truly even within relationship with her on and off boyfriend of seven years, that she has two kids from and an outside child with someone else nine years before him.

How can life turn around for her, how did life even rotate on its axis knowing that she couldn’t rotate her own well being. The world has left her behind, people that she once loved went astray, burned out by her children and their father, to make things more intense and intriguing her love life is haunting her and sucking her dry.

What is it that she can do how can she fix this, or can she? Can she re grow up or should she just disappear for a while? Can she run from her problems or should she stay and endure?

It’s for her very best that stays, endure, take heed to the abuse and re grow. Bloom like a flower in the process of become a rose.