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Motivation Encouragement

Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way they shall go

By March 24, 2023No Comments
Proverbs 22:6
Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
Our children literally watches our every move I can’t speak for you, at least I can say for my little ones, they imitate everything that mommy does down to every detail, even on how I prepare my smoothies and what fruits that I put in my waters.
If I have a drinking cup “they want a drinking cup” if I have lemon in my water “mommy can we have lemon in our water too!” No one watches your every move like a child that sees you as Wonder Woman or Super man. I have three girls so life for me is pretty easy peasy lemon squeezy, verses having all boys, oh man what would I do lol.
Now that I see that all three of my girls look up to me, I now have to have a standard to live by. As for me and my house we will serve the Lord, that’s the standard. Me and my husband are raising God fearing princess that abides by the word of God. As for me and my husband the main source of role models it’s our duty to live according to God purpose for us.
I don’t want to let my children see me live a Instagram model life, I want them to see mommy praying, when they come to sneak in my room. I them to see the woman that they call mother worshiping the one that even allowed her to spend another second in his presence. I want the best for my children and the least thing that I can do, is practice what I preach, and not raise them to disrespect adults all over social media.
~Parenting is not for the weak but parenting does get better when Jesus steps into the village, because that’s what it actually takes. You aren’t perfect and mistakes will be made, but just know that you are a good parent for staying the course, you got this.