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Motivation Encouragement

Savannah GA, for Thanksgiving

By November 23, 2019No Comments

Me and my co worker are going to Savannah Georgia for Thanksgiving. I’m pretty excited because I don’t get out often at all, but the downside about me leaving is, I’ll be away from my three girls I’ve never left home on holidays.

I’ve spend every holiday with my oldest daughter that will be ten years old, next week Tuesday. That alone is a shock that she’s even turning ten years old. Despite all the wonderful was in the past and present, I’m still leaving.

I’m very excited to be leaving Jacksonville for the holidays, I really need this time to breathe without the kids. I want this time to be a memoir of my good times added to my very less collection the needs building.

I want to let my hair down and this is the perfect time to do so, I want to live my life like I’ve never lived my life before. It’s time that I take a break for my work life and tap into my social life.