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Motivation Encouragement

Self Care: You Deserve To Be Pampered, Love.

By August 7, 2020No Comments

🌳Love On Yourself🌳

Being a Mom of three it’s kind of a challenge keeping up with all the fashion trends, keeping my nails done, keeping my hair done and putting on makeup whenever it’s convenient. Being lazy takes a role into that also, but I’ve already taught on that in yesterday’s message.


While being a Mom of three and a young woman there shouldn’t be an excuse to why not involve self care as a part of living life. I tell you it’s a much needed asset that we need especially for us single mothers.


Self care can be anything, a hobbie, journaling, walking just to see nature, swimming, spa dates, lunch with a friend (that you trust) or even reading. Whatever it is that you do can be considered as self care for your soul. I highly recommend art and writing because those two hobbies alone will keep your driven and coming back for more.


No matter your circumstances or how many kids that some of us may have, it’s not up to the world to judge us, although it happens but the world’s judgment does not matter anyways. If we judge ourselves 1 Corinthians 10:31 keeping ourselves in alignment with the teachings of God, then no one else cruelty would matter. Everything that we must do shall be glorified not just for our souls but unto God as well.


1 peter 5:7 stats that we should cast all our cares upon our father for he cares for us, this alone should also motivate us to care for ourselves also. We shall put self care into practice and firmly put actions into our hands to better ourselves and be made presentable.


Romans 12:2 stats not to be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our minds, that we may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.


It’s apart of God’s will for our lives to be predestined for greatness, marriage, success, to be healthy and happy. So if you want to take all day shopping sprees, then you can do that, explore arouand town, sign up to that university that you keep thinking about be have doubts about going fourth. Well, let me tell you this: Philippians 4:13- I can do all things through him who strengthens me (ESV).


You got this, and you are definitely not alone in this stage, this too shall pass. Now go and be beautiful just as you should.