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Life Changing Experiences

“The Enemy Is Real!!!

By March 17, 2017No Comments

My brain said out the blue, ‘ The devil can’t make you do anything. How evil comes upon, there has had to be some sort of desire, to want to do evil we just don’t up and do evil things. For instance “murdering someone, participating in adulterous acts, stealing, all the sins there is ” that’s a thought that turned in to urge, that suddenly became an act that first revolved around an evil thought, that exploded in rage. But technically that’s not how it always starts off.

I wouldn’t suggest that you ask how a murderer became a murderer, or how an adulterous woman feel about sex and why sex pleases her, or what made that person steal out of the grocery store. But know that person wasn’t always a murderer, a fornicater, a thief, etc. Something or someone had to trigger that que to that fulfilling negative grieve, that person was already arousing in his or her brain. Yes the enemy can partake a role in crime, but you don’t have to let him. You could turn that whole secenrio in to a different reaction. Although sin is no greater than the other, but there’s also a third party to how can we react to certain problems, before letting it lead to a situation.

Knowing the enemy is real and seeing the damages he helped do, is quite appealing to some eyes. I don’t know if you have heard someone say ” the devil made me do it” that’s just a line that’s called an “excuse”. I believe I said that line before when I didn’t have an excuse, to take place of my crime, because the question that was asked was involving me being responsible for me actions, so I just blamed it on the devil it wasn’t my fault. But as we get older and understand we will one day come to realization that the “devil” no longer made me do it!

Of course as that line continued to be recited, you soon realized you aren’t a kid anymore when someone that has been through the same thing, corrects your vocabulary and teaches you responsibility at the same time. It’s all a process it’s okay to be corrected, only a fool would still be stuck without knowledge he will go on and on, he’s not a wise man he’s too prideful for correction (Proverbs 9:9).

It isn’t easy for everyone to reject the devil, when someone has anger in their heart for someone else. The rage is too intense to just walk away from, without committing in revenge. Try to sink this in your mind “revenge belongs to God” (Romans 12:19, Deuteronomy 32:35). It seems as people do things to me everyday and trust me, I stay wanting to treat people in the same manner, but that’s not the way it goes. If we want to inherit the kingdom of God we must live accordingly. Not saying a murderer, adulterer, abusers of themselves can’t inherit the kingdom of God it’s hard work and dedication, you just so happened to have slipped off your course, get back up and try again.

God restores but the devil also takes away, well at least try to. We have the power to not let him win it’s only a matter of time we will get this in our heads and apply to it somewhere. The enemy is real but he’s also a liar. He’s a cheat and a deceiver, he’s has different personalities in one flesh, he can do hundreds of things at one time, don’t allow yourself to be within that number of his duties.

Don’t play Russian Roulette with the enemy without the full armor of God. We must be strong to take the enemy out, he shall not win over us if he however enters it will be, a temporary war zone!!