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Motivation Encouragement

The Gospel Matters Most 🌞

By October 21, 2020No Comments

I took heed to this

I can’t be living my life worried about who doesn’t like me and “WHY”!!! She/He doesn’t want to speak to me and “WHY”!!! Why that person didn’t invite me and “WHY”!!! Just as my Mom Emily Strickland said yesterday, we have souls connected to us that we’re sent by God to us, but we didn’t carry out that assignment. Why daughter/son why didn’t you do what I ask of you to do
What will our (my) response be? Oh, I was worried about so-and-so feelings of me, and why I feel offended because of that, that’s why I couldn’t do what you asked of me God, please excuse my disobedience. The Holy Spirit also revealed to me “no matter how a person feels about me, and pretend that I don’t exist, “STILL BE WHO GOD HAS CALLED YOU TO BE”!!! They have no choice but to see you, because when they see you, they see me!!! Your kindness is like hot coals on their heads because they simply don’t understand “WHY” you are so genuine and free Spirited. God’s people are so important to me, saving souls are so important to me, seeing you smile in happiness, is so important to me, too important to let the enemy come with confusion and condemnation. Just as God let me know about 2020 and the month of October, he let me know that “LaTisha E Tarver” ain’t no sucker đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł. Fill me Oh God and use me, the best love comes from the father not man.