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Motivation Encouragement

The Only Way To Be Sweet, Is To Read Your Bible

By November 24, 2019No Comments

How can I maintain in a world like this without my Bible on hand? No one has to know that you are reading your Bible, it’s no one’s business. God said to fast in private don’t be like the hypocrites for they disfigure their faces to show people that they are fasting Matthew 6:16. Live by his instructions and do otherwise. He saids pray in private you do that. You are only please HIM NOT MAN!


When reading my Bible is it the only way that I hide his word in my heart? I want to remember his word just in case if I’m in a tight between loving my neighbor, and doing what’s right by people. Hiding the Lords word in my heart is very beneficial to me because I can remember what and what not to do. For example let’s think of a habit that people do every single day 365 days a year..SMOKING! 1 Corinthians 3:16-17…We are temples of God and if anyone destroys the temple, God destroys that person. Basically cigarettes, marijuana, bongs are a hinderance in destroying the bodies. How can we be sweet when we are adding artificial ingredients that isn’t made from scratch?


I can go to church throughout the week all I want, but what good is that going to do for me? First and foremost church and what we learn has to be within us, as previously mentioned we are the temples. We can’t be sweet and tangy nor can we serve God and the devil Matthew 6:24. Evil and sin is the root to death, but when following God is the root to a prosperous life.


Choose wisely in how life should be lived unto pleasing to my Lord and Savior and for my soul salvation.