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Motivation Encouragement

There’s nothing wrong living a private life.

By August 29, 2018No Comments

Everyone doesn’t have to know what you are presently doing, everyone doesn’t need to know your business. There’s nothing wrong with being sophisticated and self sufficient. People may think that you are being stuck and or boujee, after all you can still be bad and boujee by yourself.

You don’t need fame or a audience to prove that you are worth the picture. Others can see that when you don’t flaunt yourself honestly. I would rather grasp that attention from others, rather than wanting attention. Living a private life is beneficial to both you and the world. I am only letting out what I give the world, in fact I don’t have to prove to the world that I’m this, nor do I owe the world anything.

I don’t want to bring problems to myself by not living a private life, knowing that I’m directed to mind my own business “1 Thessalonians 4:11”. Living a private life will definitely keep folks out your business for sure. Practice living for yourself instead of the world. Practice on being seen and not heard, practice on not tell your business so much, practice on being quite when nosey rosey erupts. Living a private life pays you respect every time. People are going to be more interested by you just by seeing the God in you.