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Motivation Encouragement

Writers are the most calmest people in the world

By November 15, 2019No Comments

Writers can over take a mountain by just simply having a pen in pocket, a note pad in the backpack. Life becomes easier to challenge when knowing that we have a friend to refer to. Why use another human for satisfaction when our diaries are just as compatible at channeling our feelings and keepsake of our emotions.

We become invincible when we can tear a soul in half, but still keeping quiet knowing that there’s other ways to kill a mockingbird. Some of us writers don’t even have limitations, we accept the pain and explode behind closed doors. We may write but we just don’t only do that. We are on battlefield with our words our pens do damage, while our paper shed blood sweat and tears.

What makes writers different from everyone else in my opinion, we fight the roughest battles mentally. Some of us have been through obstacles that we are still battling til this day, and the only way to relieve stress is by talking about it on paper. Honestly my journal has better companionship then humans do, that’s also my opinion.

Writers that walks the face of this earth each of us have a story to tell, something to express and something to give. We are eccentric and very unique, we are not to be understood for a reason.