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Motivation Encouragement

Ya Can’t Fit In With Everyone..

By December 29, 2018No Comments

Yesterday afternoon me and my co teacher took our class outside to play. Soon as the children we’re released to go play, I walked over toward the fence where the other teachers we’re standing. I was approached by a teacher that was on the other side of the gate, she asked me about the whereabouts of another teacher, and why she keeps going home early. I told her I didn’t know just to only be disrespected by someone else, that didn’t strike the conversation to me. This person that either of us we’re not talking to bluntly explains why I do know why this teacher kept leaving early. This lady had attitude hand motions, with a harsh tone of voice in front of everyone like the issue really mattered. It was totally uncalled for and I still don’t know why that person even disrespected me the way she did. Maybe she wanted to bully me of course or if anyone had any common sense, maybe it’s because I didn’t want to gossip about anyone. That’s why I simply said I didn’t know. I read all in between the lines of this grown woman’s potential of disrespecting me. That was something that she wanted to do out of spite and also to cause drama. It’s already a department full of woman but with her trying to cook ribs, I just didn’t eat them. I was humble with her disrespect and did not feed her from the same dirty spoon, that I rejected from my mouth. If only I didn’t go over by that fence this situation wouldn’t have happened. I would sometimes go over by the fence just to fit in with the other teachers, but no one hardly talks to the black girl. They all pretend that I don’t exist as it is except for one teacher every time everyone brings their students outside to play. In everything that is done it must be done humbly and not from range or envy. Yesterday’s encounter had the devils doing all intwined in the vines that presented by that fence yesterday evening. Just as much as I want to be liked and accepted that will never happen in most environments, and due to my humbleness I become a victim to someone that can’t touch my anointing. Everyone isn’t meant to be a friend of ours that brings the wrong intentions into the friendship to begin on. Some folks can not like us for whatever reason possible but that still doesn’t mean we should be gullible to whatever poison that’s will to pollute the stream. There’s various reasons for why unknown things happens but it’s up to us to handle such things accordingly. Going through that premature situation yesterday truly identifies how ignorant some people can be and how low we will kneel just for a piece of gossip. I realized I am “not” the fit in cool gal of a person anyways, I been knew this and as an adult it would become easier to fit in but I guess not. Not everyone is mature nor read their word and meditate on everything. It’s best that we stay away from the wrecked norm, it doesn’t feed us any purpose nor pursuit of any joy. Everyone can’t be your cup of tea it just doesn’t fit that way all the time, we just can’t be everyone’s cup of tea. So always remember..fitting it isn’t always safe nor pleasant, it will become regretting when realizing that there was no place for you in that environment from the start. I knew that something was a bit fishy while walking toward the fence anyways, and knowing that I’m sensitive I should’ve known that I would’ve been writing about this subject later on lol. I’ve learned my lesson about trying to fit in with everyone else especially already receiving a sign not to, every company isn’t good company.

P.S: I’m different so yes I take a lot of things personal, and find a solution to make it right for my sake.